Sunday, August 26, 2012

Alright, it's been a while, but I haven't forgotten about healthy eating and fitness. Oh, and I recently bought a new pair of shoes, so I haven't forgotten the fashion part either. ;-) 

Today, I tried a new work-out, which I thought would be pretty easy. Ha! I laugh at myself, because some of these moves had me out of breath. I did a work-out created by Self Magazine which uses plyometrics. For those who do not know what plyometrics is, it's a type of exercise that incorporates explosive moves to help increase speed and make your muscles powerful. The great thing about the workout in Self, is that it uses different moves and you pick 12 out of 16 exercise to do three times a week. It's kind of like a little game where you can pick randomly which exercises you'll do.  All you need are some good work-out shoes and some hand weights. I, also, found that a timer helps to have, because you're supposed to do each move for 1 minute and then rest for 90 seconds.

You're probably thinking, "Only 12 exercises? That's not bad." Haha! I forgot to tell you that you do each exercise twice, so it ends up working all of your muscles in a pretty short amount of time. You will have your heart pumping in no time.  Don't forget to have water nearby, so that you can replenish in between moves.  If you feel tired before the minute is over, don't quit. Just lower the weight or shorten the movement, and keep going! You can do it! 
Here's the link and enjoy!

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