Monday, August 27, 2012

I'm going to write about something else besides food, fitness, or fashion, right now, because I am about to experience my first ever hurricane. Granted I've evacuated for two others, but I'm about to deal with Isaac, and it's a pretty eerie feeling. Maybe it's the extra gallons of water I have lined up in my dining room or the extra Styrofoam coolers that are also in the house, but this is strange.I just walked out of my front door onto our front porch, and the wind is blowing, houses are calm, it's Monday night, and even though I know that there are some people still home, I realize that the ones who are home are either preparing to leave soon or preparing to hunker down into their houses until this thing hits and passes. I know that there are houses which are empty, yet have a porch light on,  and their residents will only return when things are safe and calm. Their porch light may or may not be on to greet them when they return. I have food in the house, don't have to work, and am weirdly waiting for something unexpected. I look to the sky to see something, but it seems like a normal night; clouds in the sky, some stars, etc. I'm a Mid-Westerner, not a Southerner, yet I am starting to understand this whole hurricane thing. Some people call it a hurrication since we get off from work/school and can go wherever or stay curled up in or beds. I call it an anxiehurrication, because I am not just partly enjoying some time off, but am super nervous at the unknown. I do have my elliptical and my weights, which I plan to use tomorrow morning before things get worse. So, okay, I'm still incorporating some fitness in this blog. Because in order to keep my sanity, I have to move somewhat, feel physically fit, so I can mentally take on the day of not knowing if we will have power, if my pets will freak out at the change in barometric pressure, and if I will have clean water. As for our dinner tonight, we grilled some flounder. Who knows what tomorrow night or Wednesday's night's meal will bring. I'm hoping we will have electricity and will be able to sleep soundly.

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