Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Squats and Lunges

I used to despise squats and lunges. Even now, I still don't love them, but they make me feel strong during and after finishing my routine.  There are a couple of different types of squats.  Here is how to do one squat:
1.  Place your fee hip width apart and parallel to each other, toes pointed forward (Some people overestimate how wide their hips are so if you need to, check your position in a floor length mirror before you begin).
2. Keep your weight pressed into your heels as you lower your body, as if you were seated in a chair.
3.  As you lower your body slowly, make sure that your hips don't sit below your knees. 
4.  Slowly, raise your body up to start position.
Do 2-3 sets of 12. 

As your body gets used to lowering its own weight, you can add two hand-held weights in each hand.  Start with 3-5lb. weights (one in each hand).  Hold your hands next to your side with the end of the weight facing forward and backwards. 

The other type of squat is done the same way, but instead of pointing your toes forward, you place them on a 45 degree angle and lower down into a squat. 

*If doing sets is too tedious/annoying to count, time yourself for one minute for a set and then switch to a different exercise.  Then come back to doing another minute of this, if desired.


1.  Start with your feet parallel, hip width apart, toes pointed straight ahead.
2.  Step forward with your right leg and lower down slowly.
3.  Bend both legs at the knee.  Your back heel, left foot, should come off the ground as you lower down.  Keep your weight balanced in between your legs.
4.  Make sure that you stop lowering once your thigh is parallel with your knee. Make sure your hips do not lower past your knee.Your left shin should also be parallel or almost parallel to the ground in the lunge position.
5.  Raise yourself up and return your right leg to start position. 
6.  Switch legs and repeat for one minute alternating legs.
7.  You can also pulse on the last 2 lunges.  On your last lunge with your right leg forward, raise up and lower and raise yourself slightly for 16 counts.  Switch and do the same on your left leg. 
8.  If you feel like you want to add weights, go ahead and do so, but start off with 3-5lb. weights.  Hold the hand weights so that the weights are at your side with the ends facing forwards and backwards.

*I will talk about other ways you can incorporate weights to get the maximum benefit in your work-out in some later blogs.

Squat with Curtsy Lunge 

1.  Stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed on a 45 degree angle.   
2.  Lower down into a squat position.  
3.  As you come up take your left leg back and cross it behind your right leg as you lower straight down.
4.  Come up and return your left leg to first position.
5.  Squat down, come back up.  As you come up, take your right leg, cross it behind your left leg, and lower straight down. Rise up and repeat the other leg again.  
6.  Do this for one minute without stopping.  Remember not to let your hips go below your knees.  

*You can alternate all of these exercises and repeat each exercise 2-3 times.  Do 1 minute for each exercise.

*Remember to stretch before and after you work-out.

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